Sunday, November 1, 2009

bp2_2009111_RSS_ Feeds

I have always considered myself fairly advanced for my district in the area of technology. I am always one of the first to join in the new opportunities that are offered to gain new things for my classroom and teaching. However, as I make my way through the classes in EMDT I find myself amazed at just how wrong I've been. From all the activities we've done, to the websites and now blogs, I find myself in uncharted territory.Choosing RSS feeds for my website, was about like ordering from a French menu. I don't speak the language and just couldn't figure it out. After many frustrating moments, quite a few tears and having to put the computer down and walk away many, many times, I think I have it figured out.RSS feeds are simply a much easier way to stay up to date with the websites and information I normally have to "search" for in my "spare" time. Now they are right there ready for me to read, use, etc.I have initially chosen Modern Learning, Free Technology for Teachers, Edutopia, Edublogger, and Elementary Teachers Resources. As you look at the titles, the why's should be self explanatory.All have to do with making my life simpler as a teacher and a student. Modern Learning is filled with many articles that pertain to my life as both a teacher and a student. Several of the articles I've read and reviewed for my classes at Full Sail have come from there. Why not have it at my finger tips. Free Technology for Teachers offers insight into many differentprograms, websites and activites available for teachers. Most school districts do not have unlimited funds available for technology and any way I can find to supplement what I have with no cost to them or me is obviously beneficial. Edutopia offers a variety of articles regarding education today. Edublogger is an avenue to share ideas with others regarding different topics in education today. Elementary Teachers Resource has unlimited lesson plans, activities and ideas to be implemented throughout the school year. They all have unique information that will be beneficial to me as I continue on my journey as a teacher and a student.

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