Sunday, November 8, 2009


We as teachers realize more and more each day the benefits of using the internet as an instructional tool. We must find a way to organize our references, information, and websites that either already use, or want to use. Using a Web-based bookmarking tool as a component of instruction allows teachers to provide visual cues for students and present high interest, meaningful material from the internet (Forbes 2004). Using a bookmarking tool allows the teacher to spend less time running around to each computer typing in urls, and more time on the actual activity.

Using online bookmarking allows you to access your bookmarks from any internet connected computer (Page 2007). Using planning time in your classroom to find and preview sites can then be transferred to computer lab via your online bookmarks.

Social bookmarking tools make it possible to learn and share things more efficiently and allows users to become much more portable – not tied to their desks or even laptops to access their links (Gordon-Murnane 2006). On the whole, using a bookmarking tool allows the teacher to become more concise with their prep time, which in turn allows students to explore sites and activities on the internet.


Forbes, L.S. (2004). Using web-based bookmarks in K-8 settings: linking the
Internet to instruction. The Reading Teacher, 58(2), p148-153.

Gordon-Murnane, L. (2006). Social bookmarking, folksonomies and web 2.0 tools.
Searcher, 14(6) p. 26-38.

Page, L. (2007). A ‘’ way to use bookmarks. Information Today. Retrieved

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