Sunday, November 8, 2009


The lesson plan I found that incorporates Flickr is called, "Five Card Flicker." ( The lesson is a writing lesson for 8-15 year olds. The site deals 5 Flickr photos, and the student chooses one, it deals again, and so on until there are 5 photos in the set. Now the student uses the photos to tell a story, the student must find a way to connect the photos in their writing.

As a kindergarten teacher, I would adapt this activity by choosing just one photo. We write about small moments (thngs we know or have experienced). However, during our reading time, we use the strategy of reading the pictures in the book. This allows non-readers the chance to "read" just like the others. Using a photo for writing falls into the same category, we can write about what we see. I would post the photo on my promethean board so it is large enough for all students to see it, and we would write about what we see. All students will see something. More advanced writers will write with greater detail, while beginning writers might just write I see a cat.

1 comment:

  1. Is this the lesson you are using? One image on the Promethean board for all to write about? So great to know it is working for you! Keep me posted:)
